
Lacoochee, about 1932. Photo courtesy of J. W. Hunnicutt.

The wonderful East Pasco Historical Society web site plans to close down in July 2017. I thank the creators of that web site, J. W. Hunnicutt, Nell Moody Woodcock, and Theresa Osbron Smith, who have given me permission to import the content of their site to my fivay.org web site. Most of the EPHS material can be found here on the Lacoochee page, but there is content also on other fivay.org pages. Most articles on this page are from the EPHS website. -Jeff Miller

Pictures of Lacoochee on Flickr

Pictures of the Lacoochee Reunion (2017) on Flickr

Modern Photos of Lacoochee, by Chris Arnade

The Lacoochee School, by Jeff Miller

William E. Floyd Academy (Moss Town), by Jeff Miller

Video clip - Cummer Sons Cypress Operations in 1946 and 1958

Video clip - Lewis Abraham, part 1

Video clip - Lewis Abraham, part 2

Timeline, by Jeff Miller

Lacoochee, the Coming of the Withlacoochee, a 1922 Dade City Banner article

Eleven Thousand Dollar Fire in Lacoochee, a 1924 Dade City Banner article

Lorise’s Corner, 1971 Dade City Banner articles by Lorise Abraham

History of Lacoochee, by Lorise Abraham, from East Pasco’s Heritage

Lumber Mill Was Town’s Foundation, 2003 Tampa Tribune article by Carol Jeffares Hedman

Lumber Mill Helped Lacoochee To Prosper During Its Heyday, 2003 Tampa Tribune article by Carol Jeffares Hedman

Life in a Mill Town, Tampa Tribune article by Carol Jeffares Hedman

Sawmill Builds History, 2008 Tampa Tribune article by Imani Asukile

Lacoochee in the Beginning, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Superintendent’s Row, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Lacoochee—Not Idyllic, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Life in Lacoochee—According to Troy, by Nell Moody Woodcock

The Iron Man, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Whatever Happened To. . . ., by Charlotte Curry Shepard

The Whistle, by Betty Jean Pennington Weeks

The Marks House, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Cottage Industries, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Moss Pullin’, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Turning Logs Into Veneer, by Buddy Weeks

A Widow’s Tenacity, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Doctor Walters, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Whatever Happened to the son of Mark “Prof” and Alice St. Clair?, by Jim St. Clair

My Tribute to Mom, by John Osbron

Abe’s Drug Store, by Nell M. Woodcock

Meet the Staff

A Round With the Night Watchman, by Wayne Groover

The Brothers Abraham — Elias and Joseph, by Nell M. Woodcock

Whatever Happened to the Claud Andrews Family?

Smut Out of Magnolia by Prince, by J. W. Hunnicutt

The Lacoochee Hyatts, by Aldora Hyatt

How It Works, by Buddy Weeks

A Chandelier Sheds Light on the Old Cummer Hotel’s Past, by EPHS Staff

Remembering Lacoochee’s Charles P. Thompson Family, by Nell Moody Woodcock

A Fly on the Wall, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Semi-Pro Baseball, by Ronald Stanley

The String Knife, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Lacoochee Memories, by Nick Harper

The Fire of 1958, by E. H. Capes

Fire Destroys Six Stores in Lacoochee Business Area, 1958 newspaper article

Letters from Lacoocheeman, by John T. Osbron

Turpentine Stills in the Clay Sink/Lacoochee Area, by Nell Woodcock

Hang Him for Murder / The Black Belt of Education, by Lewis Abraham and Lisa Rodenberry

Memories of the Old Section House, by Karen Rhoden Mistretta

Billy Goat Gruff, by J. W. Hunnicutt

The Lacoochee Aircraft Warning Service Observation Post During World War II, by Jim St. Clair

Combination Bob Shelter and Pet Alligator Pit, by Jim St. Clair

A Welder and His Sailor Son, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Uncle Sam Wants You!, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Dresses From a WWII Parachute, by Theresa Osbron Smith

A World War II POW Friendship, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Other Wartime Memories, by J. W. Hunnicutt and Nell Moody Woodcock

O’Quinn’s Grocery Store, by Glenda (Rosier) Goolsby

Life on the Shaddock Place 1932-1933, by Arno Surls Webster

My Lacoochee Days, My Lacoochee Days, by Artie Mims Taylor

A Young Boy’s Penalty for Cussing, by Arno Surls Webster

Memories Of Durden’s Grocery, by Marion Durden Kaminski

Lacoochee Memories, by W. C. (Billy) Baldwin

Ghost Town of Lacoochee Revisited, Amid Signs of a New Community, by Nell M. Woodcock

The Lacoochee Experience, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Company Doctors in a Sawmill Town, by Nell M. Woodcock

Our Barrel of Stories, by EPHS Staff

A Haunted House in Lacoochee, by Arno Surls Webster

Bicycles for Christmas, by Wayne L. Groover

A Five-Year-Old Boy’s Trip Uptown With His Grandfather, by Nell M. Woodcock

The Sawmill Oiler, by Arno Surls Webster

Roger’s Legacy

My First Railroad Trip, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Lacoochee, My Hometown, by William B. (Billy) Mahaffey

Keeping a Little Boy out of his Mama’s Hair, by William B. (Billy) Mahaffey

Lacoochee Boys’ Entertainment, by Billy Mahaffey

World War II Memories, by Billy Mahaffey

The Night the Sawmill Burned, by Billy Mahaffey

Doctor and Mrs. Agustus B. Cannon, by Billy Mahaffey

The Rest of the Mahaffey Story, by Billy Mahaffey

Roy and Edith Foster of Lacoochee, Florida, by Arno Surls Webster

Nell’s Memories of the Fosters, by Nell Moody Woodcock

Memories of Robert Missouri, By Wayne Groover

One Day in Lacoochee, Florida, by J. W. Hunnicutt

Remembering the Ferrells, by Nell Moody Woodcock and Wayne Groover

In 1894, the Train Wouldn’t Stop at Lacoochee, newspaper column

Vivian Theatre

“Mudcat” Grant Recalls Lacoochee Days

Postmaster Bernice Parham Retires, by Lorise Abraham

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